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Who is Chanel?

Chanel Ward
Chanel Ward
My name is Chanel Ward, Editor of the style and travel blog Hip Candy, I'm a freelance writer based in New Orleans and contributor to LOCALEURI've been working in Digital Content and Media since 2006. My degree is in Fashion Design from FIDM Los Angeles, I've worked in wardrobe and I've dabbled in modeling and print work where I continue to showcase my own DIY designs on my blog. I enjoy creating and sewing stylish womenswearI have an insatiable passion for travel, I love watching well written scripted tv and enjoying a great bottle of wine with friends. I'm a bargain shopper and a curly hair enthusiast. I was named as one of 225 Magazine's "People to Watch" in 2008.


In Depth Bio

Chanel Ward is the sole content creator at the style, culture and travel blog Hip Candy which has been around since 2006. A Louisiana native, Chanel studied fashion design at the Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising in Los Angeles, California. After graduation and an internship at womenswear design house BCBG Max Azria, she moved back home to Baton Rouge, Louisiana to find exactly zero jobs in fashion design. Insert non-shock here. This led to being self taught in basic graphic design, desktop publishing and the launch of Chanel Ward Design, which specializes in marketing materials for local businesses and her fashion blog Hip Candy followed soon after.

With her fashion background, Chanel has experience in conceptual womenswear design, fashion illustration, pattern making and sewing and as a DIY style writer, her favorite place to publish and showcase her experiential creations is on her own blog. She dislikes the word "seamstress" (hemming your pants, sewing your prom dress design) much preferring the words "designer" and "artist" (launching a line of sewing patterns or ready-to-wear clothing) to more accurately describe what she does. 

Wine appreciator.
 Curly hair enthusiast.
 Curious traveller.

You can also find her online tweeting about politics and social justice on Twitter (@hipcandy). In 2008 Chanel was named one of 225 Magazines "People to Watch" so if you would like to watch where she's traveling to next or what new design she comes up with, like Hip Couture on Facebook, follow her on Instagram (@nbr5) and visit her blog Hip Candy.

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